Bolton Street Apartments

The central CBD location and proximity to the beach makes this apartment building an attractive and highly sought after commodity.


Rosswood Developments


Newcastle, NSW
Bolton Street Apartments

This 22 apartment building plus commercial offices is situated within a heritage conservation zone in downtown Newcastle. A mix of older heritage buildings surround including the 'Steels Garage' building, the Newcastle Court House and the retained facade of the Menkens Bond Store, surrounds the site. A high proportion of extant buildings in this section of Bolton Street are an eclectic mix of nondescript '80's infill buildings.

This development requires the demolition of an existing Frederick Menkens building, unfortunately 'modernised' in the 1950's when all detail was stripped from it.

The design seeks to provide a contemporary and robust apartment and commercial building straddling the various competing forms and styles surrounding it.    A basement carpark is accessed through a ramp from the street with a cafe/ restaurant situated on the ground level activating the street. The third    and fourth levels are set back from the street alignment providing effectively a 3-storey podium in response to the pedimented heritage building next door. Two penthouse apartments occupy the uppermost floor and are further set back to provide an articulated well-mannered building in this sensitive area.

The SEPP65 regulations require the provision of minimum standards of sun penetration, light and cross through ventilation in apartment buildings. In this case a central atrium space divides the building into two segments allowing plentiful light and ventilation to all the units as well as providing the opportunity to incorporate significant landscape features.


Processes used in this project