Corenne Earl

“I draw inspiration from the little everyday details which normally pass us by to weave effective, robust designs and architectural experiences.”
Senior Interior & Graphic Designer
B. Design (Architecture) (Dist.) - University of Newcastle
B. Design - UNSW, College of Fine Arts
Dip. Interior Design - Hunter Design School
After moving to Newcastle, a child, a house renovation and a decade working in graphic design, marketing and advertising in Sydney and Melbourne, Corenne decided to expand her design and problem solving skills into interiors and architecture.
Corenne graduated not only with distinction from the Bachelor of Architecture but also received the First Degree Award for University of Newcastle, Dean’s Medal and the Highest Acheiving Female Graduate from the Bachelor of Architecture. Corenne works across a number of fields from commerical interiors, home design, alterations and additions, while also drawing on her graphics and marketing skills to effectively communicate SHAC’s brand and architectural ideas.